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Vidhi Pareek
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- Dataset
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- metabolon
- Purinosome
- 3D chemical imaging
- de novo purine biosynthesis
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Alexis Paige Sullivan
- Resource type
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- Keyword
- genome sequencing
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- Resource type
- Dataset
- Keyword
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Review of The Rhetoric of...
Debra Hawhee
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- Article
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- Wayne Booth
- Rhetrickery
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Depositor |
Details |
Christopher J Greer
KeywordCT scanLithium combustionmxvpm加速中心官网Carbon Dioxide
Christopher J Greer
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KeywordCT scanLithium combustionBatch ReactorsCarbon Dioxide
Keywordmxvpm官网Lithium combustionBatch ReactorsCarbon Dioxide
Christopher J Greer
KeywordCT scanLithium combustionBatch ReactorsCarbon Dioxide
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Carolyn Trietsch, PhD Candidate in Entomology
I came to Penn State in 2014 to pursue my PhD in Entomology. I am currently working at the Frost Entomological Museum on parasitic wasps of the family Megaspilidae, which belong to the superfamily Ceraphronoidea. I've done field work everywhere from Maine to Arizona, and even had the opportunity to go behind-the-scenes at the Natural History Museum in London, UK, and the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, to image type specimens in the collections. I am currently working on revising the megaspilid genus mxvpm官网 in North America.
See Carolyn's Work in ScholarSphere
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Why does Carolyn use ScholarSphere?
Our lab's policy is to publish open-access and make our data available for all to use. ScholarSphere ensures that others will be able to access our work for years to come!
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